Welcome to my digital studio! I’m a recent graduate of Yale University with a B.S. in Computer Science and History of Art, finding ways to embed art and design within digital spaces.

I’ve previously interned at the General Services Administration, the Yale Computer Graphics Group, and the Yale Center for British Art.

Enjoy exploring my passions and past projects ✨

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︎︎︎ Resume

Karen Grace Lin

Welcome to my digital studio! I’m a senior double majoring computer science and history of art @ Yale University, finding ways to embed art and design within digital spaces.

I’ve previously interned at the Yale Center for British Art, and am currently a research assistant for the Yale Computer Graphics Group

Enjoy exploring my passions and past projects ✨

︎︎︎ Email
︎︎︎ Resume

03/21 – 05/21

“Fragile, Handle With Care” is a synthesis project for “Art of the Printed Word,” a first year seminar course about printing and typography at Yale University.

In an attempt to find unexpected beauty, I interviewed five of my hometown friends on an item they continue to hold after its initial use. From a scrap of painted paper to a piece of kaleidescope glass, my friends recounted stories filled with nostalgia, hard work, and triumph over difficulty.

Through this project, I reconnected with friends after months of at-home isolation during the pandemic and learned about the items they kept purely for memories sake.

Kimono silk, ink, watercolor.